PRIME International is proud to welcome you to its website portal. Join us on a path that transforms development through three principles: preparation, practice, and performance.
We envision labor standards as a social and economic benefit for all, integrating labor rights and responsibilities with good governance and business practices for sustainable development. Before, during, and after the covid-19 pandemic, we have remained dedicated to reaching and upholding those in need of counsel, collaboration of workers and employers, governments and businesses, and civil society for bi-partisan democratic development. We specialize in safeguarding sustainable development through increased efforts preventing child labor in agriculture while keeping opportunities open for safe, legal adolescent and youth employment with access to services and education.
Youth learning good practices in agriculture, Bahia, Brazil
Proud to Introduce PRIME International, an innovative Social Enterprise and cornerstone that specializes in Labor Rights and Aligns Policies and Practices of Businesses, Governments, Advocates, Investors, and Practitioners to implement and sustain safe, labor practices globally. We focus on increased employment opportunities for youth 15-17, a growing population that is legally old enough to work in non-hazardous jobs in most countries. (ILO Convention 182)
If you are open to consider, we propose several solutions to prevent labor risks and promote access to opportunities for youth and smallholder businesses. Employers are trying to preserve safety for youth so do not consider them if under 18 years of age. Employers may not have the means or skills to provide the solutions and conditions necessary for adolescent youth to work in safe conditions. This pushes the youth to find work in other hazardous and risky ways mostly in the informal unregulated sector, on small farms, in the streets, thus increasing risks and prevalence of hazardous work, and worst forms of child labor.
Realizing Business Benefits of Social Engagement Building Markets for All
Insider ExpertISE
Technical Assistance to design and develop a strategy for building a portfolio in the prevention of child labor, forced labor, and human trafficking, including modern day slavery issues and risks to private sector supply chains, governments, and civil society.
Provide technical assistance for meeting new business opportunities and developing responsive proposals for future US government and other donors to address child labor and forced labor, in a country of selection.
PRIME International counsels employers and youth to align their needs and shared accountability to benefit both.
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PRIME brings assets such as global and country programs ranging from community-based interventions to high-level policy and legal enforcement in child labor monitoring systems. PRIME Director’s unique background covers wide experience with child labor projects, partnerships with the International Labor Organization, World Cocoa Foundation, and Mars, Inc. among many others. Learn from direct services to private industry how agricultural supply chains and youth entrepreneurship can be linked through vocational Farm Friendly Schools.
Imagine a fund for farmers and employers to compete for small business or corporate grants. They could train their offices and teams to supervise and mentor youth and obtain resources for equipment and comfortable clothes to protect youth from hazards. Consider the possibilities and solutions…Send your ideas to Prime (please see Contacts portal for entry).
“It is time for …the number and proportion of child laborers in a country’s child population … to be considered as key indicators of economic and social development.”