PRIME Actions and Collaborations
International Conference on Occupational Health (ICOH), April 2-5 2018 Dublin Ireland Convention Center Presented a paper on Panel for Youth Employment and Adolescents ages 15-17 in Agriculture.
Attended Fifth World Conference on Child Labour in Buenos Aires, Argentina November 2017; pledged to support 100 youth in decent work for adolescents through private sector collaboration.
Member Sustainable Development Goal 8.7 Supply Chain Working Group to address child labor and decent work.
Event of Coalition of Immokalee Farm Workers, Immokalee, Florida headquarters, 2018
Technical Assistance and Consulting on Child labor and Worker Rights, ILRF, Khulisa, Winrock, Terre des hommes, ACE Japan, World Vision, OMNIA Institute for Contextual Leadership
Participation in Child Labor Coalition and Cocoa Development sub-Committee
Member Sustainable International Development (SID)
Member Association Agriculture and International Rural Development (AIARD)
Visit to ILO SNAP Project in Malawi Vocational training center Youth safe practices making school uniforms
Given the trends, the Sustainable Development Goal 8.7, elimination of child labor, will not be met by 2025…
We must accelerate and expand to the informal peripheries where most child labor is found.
Government Panel on Education and Child Labor prevention Côte d'Ivoire
Coalition of ImmokaleeWorkers (CIW) Immokolee, Florida Event
Global Child Labor Conference Logo Argentina 2017